Saturday, December 5, 2009

Copy No$gba Saves To Gpsphone


That blow would not be as deadly as one could be months, weeks and days later, yet it was still a blow, one of many I received that night but the alcohol did its thing and some other girl it was interesting and approached to ask the name, would not say he was strange in the middle of a party that went down with a few drinks and was called up and had some others, who could not dance, but still liked to dance salsa, which was not such a place, but occasionally frequented by good friends who could never stop watching, which was part of a massive social networks and if typed his name, hopefully it find and it was still, a beer, two, one jajaja's a bad dance move and more people here and there, greetings hurry, dead not be measured with alcohol, many girls of color (very nice all) who had his eyes from one side to another, was "LA FIESTA" a pleasant and unforgettable moment that months later when serious explanations had to pay someone (who had to give them) did not stop playing the guessing game, "I must see you," the sure we have crossed "- you think?. Minutes

in between the swing of dancing girls and boys The Strokes all in his eyes seemed to have greater clarity and a one frame fiction could make out to everyone 5 cm above the ground, nothing bad happened and nothing to start the real attention to something wonderful, only three pairs of feet on the ground, looking in his direction of the other two very hugging kissing his desire so well hidden, other Once your beloved figure platonically again ended his short story rather than aimlessly traveling to the accumulation of stubborn ideas that always tend to do (right?) nothing but another detail, the trash, people returned natural level of the floor .

Immediately cross a woman crying, he end up thinking it might help if someone just passed over a glass chela to finish absorbing the last shot, but the second music light blinded him and a shadow radical followed in the footsteps of the crying woman, some time after all would make sense, that girl was wearing only the accumulation of all uncertain and spent it all seemed that the sea where it came from the left without remembering its heart, it seemed.
Minutes, balls and glasses then to another point without clear direction ... could only set the scene with these words:

No I do not, like you if you would

because I lost my feet when I was 13, 14 and 15 do not wear

Lucky Strike Red I

is expensive as well as costs

impress with words that do not chew tared

not travel because they do not know when I started to lose
colored shapes how I can I paint?

laughed better right? an idiot later
good for all
snob, post modern and regal in its radicalism
take you and voila, no more than
can do ... I do not turned out the formula.


Then are not you here? - He said - no, not how to dance salsa, but will attempt lol, okay, how? , Good to try salsa dancing ... ! Is well - told the next brave girl who came to talk, had an air of Eastern, but in this great place is natural to have it all - it was said, and the sauce and then followed a collection of music that well selected for the "La Fiesta"

Hours later, the woman who flew step crying, wanted to stretch his hand and tell him everything would be fine, the alcohol is achieving its mission, because it is not allowed, it was as fast, as months later I would get a kiss out of nowhere in the middle of a pretext fictisias rules, with a clear purpose, a battle that no one foresaw ...

go Do you like some nuts? , If normal, today I have to taxi all came running out little by little, the woman who struck the first blow did not know how to go down to normal level ground, which could not say anything, true wine a good idiot for all and from the north, this sonriend or (what do you expect?) the girls were cute and killer colors, drunks were drunk groupies talking about the best production of his favorite band, wrested so many jokes about her eternal school promotions and so the natural course of interactions post - spree.

goodbye to his family of friends, gave them a kiss and said that would soon, as the taxi took place, achieving distinguish the woman who was flying, that shadow embraced radical who was actually a piece of plastic juice in the shade - ha! has the face of bitter - he said - not make much sense.

ached the next day bumps and other things happened, months, weeks, tragedies, thoughts and life jackets, but later that it would not be fatal blow as he was receiving on the spot where she had cured so many other tragedies, much less from a woman who would go just fast as that party, the other - he said - this was sung, another hit the sack, do not change the shape, but how?

The following sequence is

... Months after a party night ... She ripped a kiss on the table 11 ... no more the stroke was given.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gay Saunas In Richmond, Va

Ujum, Aja ... Cheap

forget your combination I broke a while
very quick and murderous
to China nomas corner
tired walking ...
and now you need a quick transport.

Then you are on wheels
and my closets I do not fall on the head
to leave.

I do not sharpen knives at home Sunday at six o'clock
and I make no more flowers with sea details
now prefer domestic trouble
in my groupies Lorch and good city dwellers .

Now I prefer a 6-piece puzzle
backdrop things not as cove
not so distant not so explicit

is better than good break for both
is not ?

Ujum, Aja ... Combi
left long ago I'd rather keep going walk hand in hand with my simple desire to
relief ...
here there is no Hiroshima or Nagasaki
I only relief is
know now hands caress us
that were in our laps around the corner always

of One way or another.

Days later
know that look in
not cost what it costs today, a trip to the moon
die or what it costs when it is very simple
will not damage
but the leak in our faces for a smile

a relief really.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Could You Use Ipod Headsets On Ps3


Later I'll be the talk
favorite to comment
your promo nuns
your Amigazo
your aunts you the guy
I threw after the tone
tell them orgasm and poses
how many times I can and how many die
power of my comings your

be screaming funny the story of each scene
while I wait in bed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is It Wise To Buy Sirius Stock

days later ... Or an Epilogue

Well, I'll take the later bus and then be normal to get home late.

Sera as normal as the days before the break with my secrecy and apathy, sit and eat popcorn while watching a movie hero can not rescue anyone because his only power destroys everything. Sera

easier to digest and even on popcorn anymore because you're not confessing to all and not be me to kiss your mouth was so greasy.

And much space left over that will be more easy to play with my hand to put it under a vacuum pants, as deep as my favorite toy that you take, it is impossible to separate yourself from it.

it will not feel the pressure of gravity and be comfortable being in the air. Enough is good as the film ends, leave it to thee, let me end shit and not tell me you did not hear before.

Also you can burp at ease and I could scratch my ass because it bites but both as I will have the mount you want (and I mountains) in the middle of the movie to play to pause and laughter that will love me more than you, because it's that simple love.

And because that left me to look at the boy of the movies that somehow "guionesca" only way to end an afternoon of winter or summer, to add to that feeling that hits you spell as cheap and then under some strange reason and then end up longing nostalgically seeketh another difficult word to explain it.

And as I was saying there will be so much space that you will dance ridiculously and spectators
I give so much rage, as the times when I look at the lingerie shops and see any undergarment you will as well as you're wearing right now.

And as I said the mess of my room will be a complete Piccaso, while yours will be half Snob or postmodernism, which is more complicated, as well as the jump from my hands to your waist and then to the borders of your cheeks masapan, sorry it's that simple.

Later then there will be no popcorn for the movie, because they know that when I finish, much less who the main actors, secondary or apropostio stuck, be sincere and convincing as a cabezaso of Zidane in the middle of the game, so say it's your game, that word was synonymous with "I'm going to hell" and good night and good luck, the next act, I have no idea, too late.

dedicated to: PKF

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Place In Greece Les And Pete

souls are burning I come now ... Lele

I have and I have things to say ...
so new things are being
among the many, little, little ...

I leave you with this alternative version, almost rarity of the song "No Surprises" Radiohead

... with lyrics and everything

I come now ...

I WAS sick of historical
clock stopping wind it up, That Stayed girls sleeping next to him

watch stops, the batteries run down I started
historical broken sentence, "no alarms .. .

the watch stops, the batteries run down, I started
historical broken sentence, "no alarms and no surprises ..."

I WAS sick of her excuses Not
to take off her dress when to bleedin ' in the bathroom

He Was Sick Of His clock stopping, wind it up
no alarms an no surprises ...
no alarms an no surprises ...
no alarms an no surprises, please

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Does Twin Bedskirt Fit Daybed

... Lele

few weeks ago I hurt
me hurt me want hurt
12:00 am
things half

pants lyrics unaccented
no commas separate points
hurt me both endpoints
hurts so hurry
write as if it runs chocolate cake or flavor
I hurt so much expiration dates
and empty bars
hurt me bus tickets
all my promises hurt me
the comings and goings
needed here
a new year or a good excuse to get you
hurt me so your underwear
empty, with no desire
no heartbeat and that clause

damning as natural as the silence
as acid rain
that is new in the sky say
hurts like sleeping with the covers
stolen from home
embracing ruthlessly as you did

hurry as this note
smiling nostalgically.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why Do My Velcro Rollers Always Tangle

poor prognosis

I wake up and this Sunday dawned rainy, too cold, the rain is very intense so far, according to last week SENAMHI daily output of the sun (from the morning) is due to a phenomenon called "sunbathing" and is, in simple language, in a winter chance to let out the sun for a short time, but the overnight change and now all good, woke up with one of the most intense light rain showers so far This winter, terrible for hundreds of people living in precarious conditions and have been abandoned, is not as nice as they think (maybe) and it dawned on your mood, no feel identified with it, are not selfish or indifferent.

From overnight, is a phrase that makes me think of "things", but what are "things"? I think it is a term where you never really know what you're talking about "things? ...
truth "a tall tale?.

But really I use it constantly and it is something that "the overnight" (suddenly) I've used most often, to mention a series of events that you never mention a single adjective, is useless to seek the best synonym for the RAE or MarthaHildebrandt dictionary, even worse ask Melcochita sarcastic sense of how to mention everything that happens.

Time takes its toll and claimed "chepibola" (another phrase child to ask for time in the middle of the game) ... first of all very quiet which is also another great phrase Renso Gonzales that would go well accompanied by a picture but can not find it, dammit!

When we recognize the "impact" it is difficult to move, there are several ways to react and get out of the first state to position and trying to rest after this happens the moment of lucidity, which also happens to patients alcoholics, this is to assume the events or facts as a result of behavior above, ie, "impact" is when you feel like "resaqueado" and the whole body (in its entirety deeper) hurts, it hurts, the scale of impact is complex and it is appropriate to assess the damage to pose a strategy and recover all, if possible, pick up the threads with great caution and with adequate time to catch up and fears ... everything will be fine, believe it.

In summary, the overnight things have changed and have made an impact to me and I have restless estremcido, fair or not ... 're still here.

psdt: stop raining, but the nuber still gray.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Makes A Dogs Nose Chapped


Let's Play
not know not to know the secret under our clothes.

Let's Play
not wish us to not want to raise our bodies
until explode.

try to hide the holes in our souls to our trips

des balanced our desire to ... ... of ... Let's Play

they do not know our names
the location of our secret spots
and color of your underwear
day by day. Let's Play

not know who is stroking the bottom step

ends and the corner of my body that activates a machine.

Try to use weapons to stab
toy will not become extreme damage
left hooks and right. Let's Play

be malechores

to make love on the money they have stolen.

We will be Batman and Robin
for each and every comment on a relationship

shocking and dark.

trying to believe it is reasonable
occasionally lose the reason
thereby perpetuates it.

Let's play mom and dad at home
cardboard mats, paper
of clay lying. Let's Play

to always tell the truth (truth)
the matter in due course with pros and cons.

try to follow the pace and gently rub
our souls mild glass of sugar.

going to play I'm not writing this
finally, I throw all the trash
and just say that I love.

Try, Try to understand
then a minute with you, I will always feel
of putamadre.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best Premixed Margaritas

Some phrases need - 2

0 .- Thanks for a thousand and one nights of pleasure Jena Jameson thanks for your swagger, your breasts inflated, your blond hair a hundred times, your ass champion lips with oil plane, your desire to make me feel pleasure and imagine you're in the palm of my hand. (A Pornopata City).

1 .- - A Colombian juice want to see ... What do you want to take?

- Your Hand ... nothing else ...

- 0_o (some conversation)

2 .- ... I have fear, that an idiot good for all, snob, postmodern
find you, tell you a lie it works perfectly,
use some bitch chance of those that often occur
and tear you a smile, if I have that fear.
(Another story that is being written)

3 .- Recently, I get to thank me big ... in a world of giants (?)

4 .- You're a brain, nursing home, huecero, Baker, ero, ero ... Brain. (True Fish told me)
confessed by
5 .- I like Fish tell me ... hehehe. (Again the true Fish)

6 .- "Across the Universe" LA PELA is
if you get, you earn the sky Catholic or part of my little heart
mundane. (sms)

7 .- TE KIERO AS SHIT that is a good expression for us and
not lexicalized in the SAR. (I)

8 .- ... (?)

9 .- We ... BY FAITH ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 (tangles in bed 1)

10 .- Come on, give me again the battle cry
weave passion when you kiss
not get enough
do not give up
just taking a rest and come back

you give all
once again give me your battle cry.
(tangled in a bed 2)

11 .- Charly, which left the Superman cape?
! In your room idiot ...
(Charly replied to a journalist after launching the 20th floor of a hotel into a pool)

12 .-! Pull Me Voice (Charly Garcia while throwing)

suspect 13 .- that here also will choose a good number (message)

14 .- ... It is a pleasure to be a Sexopata you ... (tkm)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reviews For Diamo Scooters

Some phrases hurry

0 .- I was always told to read many books of literature surround me women, was true, all that came took a book, my library is almost empty and I'm very nice.
(I was lorna)

1 .- women who wrote hundreds letters, devolviendomelas come, I am picking up my steps. (cojudeces)

2 .- What do you as a reminder to women that I? ...
with whom I slept ... with a good litter and ...
but with which I love, with some alcohol and music of that. (old)

3 .- Be Killed and believe that you had known ... (recently)

Kausa 4 .- You know ... "That the King Juan Carlos and his entire royal entourage sucked me"
(get drunk way)

5 .- ... is that ... you know ... is like you I throw a right hook with what I say and I have no answer to the left as (a conversation by phone).

6 .- Sometimes I wish I had "EXPANDABLE MEMORY ( facebook)

7 .-" To remember is to lie again " (Robles Rafael Olivo on your facebook profile, many thanks psdt .)

8 .- ... But now you touch me, slightly, as crystal sugar ...
and now speaks to me, so far as
not know what's under your skirt
I play more absurd
we learned without instructions ...
(What someone did not know how to say, August 1925)

9 .- lie like the Conchasumare Weon ... (Dego told me)

10 .- Mr Garcia, saying "femicide" does not feminist, not create it.
(July 28)

11 .- "If I see one day drunk, lying in the street, I grabbed me and kicked you, word son! ...
(My brother a while ago, if I knew all the alcohol)

12 .- Esteban and Claudia want via WiFi ... (sentence of celebration of accomplished)

13 .- Wake in the morning because you can wake up in the afternoon or at night or simply can not wake up with a bottle of cheap alcohol, no pet sleep, smile , is enclosed in a cation. (in some stories)

14 .- - what rain does not love beautiful? this cold winter ... I feel romantic
- clear, as you do not live on top of a hill with 3 or more children
as you do not live between mats and plywood
as your dawn is not in pools of mud
" how easy say no Love?
(Fights between a romantic-conscious and distracted)

15 .- The mind as reality always plays tricks. (Pedro Pablo CCOP - teacher)

16 .- The sun always comes out for something special ... I'm sure
(really, Sunday August 2 3:12 p.m.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chicken Chow Mein And Curry Sauce Nutrition

About Vanilla Essence (or the story of a traitor kiss)

often say that some element of nature tend to be misleading, because while they may have a flavor, color or very pleasant, lively and delicate, so it may come as a surprise when it happens in any cases, also say that what appears to be harmless actually turns out to be the most dangerous and could cause severe damage or even death itself, this way of life and nature are made of elements that keep us more of a surprise.

Kekes At home we used to vanilla when my parents used to go out on weekends and with my brothers and my cousin got together the tips they gave us (the way to stay to look after the house) and bought the ingredients, baking powder, eggs, brown sugar, prepared flour, cinnamon, milk, butter or margarine and vanilla essence ... This last ingredient was more anxious than of all even more to prove the dough before placing it on the Keker.

When my brothers were in full preparation of the dough, I asked that I do not intrude but ruining the mass Terminais cutting, ie, putting more ingredients needed to prepare, not because it was bad or something, did so confident that after we all sit in front of the couch and eat keke with a glass of soda to see some stripping recontra repeatedly giving the local channels at that time.

once they were in full preparation after classic! Go to the chair and do not put your hand to mass me angry and in retaliation (and total taste) vanilla essence take the table and ran to my room and locked up so that no one will notice ... supposedly was getting a book of difficult concepts (which used to read) or playing with "Matadonte" a plastic dinosaur tragically disappear later ... The vanilla bottle was sealed and with much effort, even opening it with my little teeth, uncover and achieve open when that act of corruption some vanilla essence fell on my pole and something happened ... happily describable sweet and tender aroma began to discard the bottle and the stain on my pole and hugged me and aroma seduced me was rare that only gave me an idea ... try it ... ... have it on my own it was definitely owned by the smell, no doubt, was to be mine, take the lid of the container and pour a little caramel liquid to take it with determination ... I realized that nobody will come to my room and after a children's dance of joy and a semi-religious ritual, pompous that "Matadonte" looked stoically take the cap and drank with all the vanilla lag, so far the scent on my nose kept to seem cute and sweet, seductive and nobody was drinking that contact me from almost orgasmic everything was accomplished.

vanilla essence used to come
in these jars in the 90's

But like a dagger traitor my eyes filled with sadness and my mouth with a bitter idea I wanted to eject the liquid as soon as possible they will surely kill me, then everything turned sepia, shouted someone in the kitchen! where is the vanilla scare me, it was late the liquid was inside me, but that flavor traitor had to eject ... I ran toward the bath wash my mouth with toothpaste all possible, I drank lots of water and at the insistence of the scream! where is the essence of vanilla left in terror to my room, take the bottle and shut again, everything seemed upset and terrible, had no desire to dance and the same "Matádonte" seemed to be laughing at my frustration.

... was a traitor kiss

Take to the kitchen and leave the bottle on the table with my face very sad, as my brother scolded me "! to which you brought the essence? went out in silence to the room to see the movie repeating almost the tenth time in a local channel, I sat silent, exhausted, disappointed, spent a few hours before the flavor is out of my mouth, given before everything went white and black bend my head on his chest (rendered ) and the smell penetrated my nostrils, was the clam on my pole is impregnated, seduced me, hugged me, I drew a charming sweet smile again ... miesteriosamente stubbornly ...

... mmm ...

traitor who had that kiss you draw on my face every time I feel the smell of vanilla, sometimes I try it again locked emulating my old children's dance, but am familiar with the results now it comes down to that feeling that tickles my tongue and now he moves to the image of a woman.

and then everything is enclosed in mysterious unknown images.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Vocal Cord Hemorrhage

Waaa! - I

Waaa! is a gesture of boredom that is given when the air is heavy and difficult breathing blood vessels that will be breaking as trying to put air in our pulomones.

metiendome I have 4 hours to all social networks that have gestated humans in our virtual space to see if I can put him more sense to be late misia that just will not come out right around the corner for a salchipapa of Luka desgracidamente Comere craving a call or message even while I cool hair, not wanting to take a while I can not buy beer because tomorrow the ticket costs as a current day which will surely come once end up in the career and become part of a statistic that few graduates have come out point and how much has actually been achieved.

I am inclined, in an awkward position that forces me to concentrate to keep control of everything and wrap myself in my blankets like a cocoon, well that and have spoken many blog's so it is not my thing, a friend I spend the blog of a girl who always liked, but which I never dare (and dare I think) want to talk, it always acts that picture autominimizador (such euphemism) that is triggered in me as lethal control of my actions that may not have the consequences you always hope, We are good therapy, so hopefully I can cancel that aspect of my unintelligent.

This week was not for parties, but I'm dying right now for a few liters of beer, music and laugh chonguera even what makes no sense to laugh, then dawn with a Rezaka in one wonder "what did I do not remember last night?" but the picture is now, is this post missions as my desire to want to be out on a Saturday night with some friends, winter seems I have started eating more fat (but never get fat) and coat because I'm shivering, I discuss the formulation of urban transport routes that were Made for ourselves without envisions some kind of concrete project, I deny that the collector does not charge me half after 11:00 pm and all week I have beaten without finding llamdo or relief in a message, just the hot soup or salchipapa of luka in my neighborhood, after all not so bad ...

I go by the time 5 to be stuck in my pc and I think and rethink to redesign this blog to make it somewhat less common among the rest of the blog's I've visited (with great exceptions of course) the virtual spaces and social networks seem to iran asemjando more than when we walk down the street and see how all this started?

Well the complaint is raised and I have no more to give the appropriate step to feel more relaxed, going for a salchipapa and see a fight with my dad to calm tensions, this week was not at all funny. ..

Finally this Green Day song relaxes me, after all is only a tiempecillo in life, 22 years on mmm ... a dream go! that relief.


psdt: I'm thrilled to have found the blog of that unknown = D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Oscar's Dinner Buffet Price


"The Punks Are Alright "is a documentary sovereign and the visceral power of punk music and its social impact. On a trip to Canada, Brazil, Borneo Island and other parts of the world, meet important bands, agents, and visionaries of this genre from the first to the third world. A style that may be changing their lives and ours too.

This great and exciting work will be attended by its director and producer, Douglas Crawford, who will arrive at Villarreal to share his debut and exchange views with the audience.



Individual Communities is happy to present the film The Punks Are Alright Canadian director and producer Douglas Crawford who brings us the story of four punk rock bands that, despite being from different social and cultural realities, have much in common and what is punk relate their daily lives. This time
Douglas Crawford himself was in the screening of the documentary and the end of this, it will hold a meeting on it so can discuss issues related to direct or documentary.

The capacity of the auditorium for this event is limited so grateful that they can send an email to with your full name and ID number to confirm their attendance. Do not forget to bring a document to gain entry to university.

thank you in advance for your support and hope to see you on Monday May 25 from 4 pm. in Alfonso Ramos Alva Chamber of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Nicholas Av Piérola No. 351, to spend a fun and interesting time.
Greetings. Individual Communities . Event Poster

Myspace Facebook
"The Punks Are Alright"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blood Clot Sneezing Blood Mucus

Girl 60's II - A timeline imaginary

Game Tv's, Girl flirt with a camra is covered with a camera lips, Rider 60's Chanta Kelly (the girl with red background), ChantalGoya (staring miestras wears a locket hung and after sitting with a sonrrisa spectacular), Ellie Greenwich (sonrrisa complete with a flirty look after a tree), Gillian Hills (seem to sing with open arms), Elizabeth Tyler (round table scene, very beautiful) Roslyn Taber (flirty-eyed blonde on a bed Blace and black), Sarah Miles ( Covering seems scared the bedspreads has black hair), Vanesaa Redgrive (esplada very sensual look white), Chantal Goya (ends with a sad and nostalgic look ...)

Girls ... hopefully the cuarentaytantos had known ........ years ago ...

Monday, April 27, 2009

When Does The Pregnancy Mask Show

Girl 60's - Chantal Goya

Chantal Goya ...

I think it is a season 60's

... and you hopefully have found treintaytantos years ago.