Thursday, September 17, 2009

Does Twin Bedskirt Fit Daybed

... Lele

few weeks ago I hurt
me hurt me want hurt
12:00 am
things half

pants lyrics unaccented
no commas separate points
hurt me both endpoints
hurts so hurry
write as if it runs chocolate cake or flavor
I hurt so much expiration dates
and empty bars
hurt me bus tickets
all my promises hurt me
the comings and goings
needed here
a new year or a good excuse to get you
hurt me so your underwear
empty, with no desire
no heartbeat and that clause

damning as natural as the silence
as acid rain
that is new in the sky say
hurts like sleeping with the covers
stolen from home
embracing ruthlessly as you did

hurry as this note
smiling nostalgically.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why Do My Velcro Rollers Always Tangle

poor prognosis

I wake up and this Sunday dawned rainy, too cold, the rain is very intense so far, according to last week SENAMHI daily output of the sun (from the morning) is due to a phenomenon called "sunbathing" and is, in simple language, in a winter chance to let out the sun for a short time, but the overnight change and now all good, woke up with one of the most intense light rain showers so far This winter, terrible for hundreds of people living in precarious conditions and have been abandoned, is not as nice as they think (maybe) and it dawned on your mood, no feel identified with it, are not selfish or indifferent.

From overnight, is a phrase that makes me think of "things", but what are "things"? I think it is a term where you never really know what you're talking about "things? ...
truth "a tall tale?.

But really I use it constantly and it is something that "the overnight" (suddenly) I've used most often, to mention a series of events that you never mention a single adjective, is useless to seek the best synonym for the RAE or MarthaHildebrandt dictionary, even worse ask Melcochita sarcastic sense of how to mention everything that happens.

Time takes its toll and claimed "chepibola" (another phrase child to ask for time in the middle of the game) ... first of all very quiet which is also another great phrase Renso Gonzales that would go well accompanied by a picture but can not find it, dammit!

When we recognize the "impact" it is difficult to move, there are several ways to react and get out of the first state to position and trying to rest after this happens the moment of lucidity, which also happens to patients alcoholics, this is to assume the events or facts as a result of behavior above, ie, "impact" is when you feel like "resaqueado" and the whole body (in its entirety deeper) hurts, it hurts, the scale of impact is complex and it is appropriate to assess the damage to pose a strategy and recover all, if possible, pick up the threads with great caution and with adequate time to catch up and fears ... everything will be fine, believe it.

In summary, the overnight things have changed and have made an impact to me and I have restless estremcido, fair or not ... 're still here.

psdt: stop raining, but the nuber still gray.