Previous Groups: Sixth Street
Favorite Beverage: Beer - Fernet with glue - glue
Whisky Meals:
Likes: Football (San Lorenzo) - Film - Read -
Arts Equipment: ?? ? Marlboro??
ECHARNIER GASTON - 1 GUITAR (Visit my blog!: )
Groups Previous: Sixth Line - Arion (Hard Rock) - Trilogy (Hard Trio Rock) - Auto Rojo (Tributo a Pappo) - Gea X (Symphonic Rock)
Influences: Ritchie Sambora - Van Halen - Malmsteen - Pappo - Ritchie Blackmore
Favorite Beverage: Beer - Fernet with glue - glue
Whisky Meals: Pasta - Roast - Pasta tastes sweet
: Football (Boca Juniors) - Motorcycles - Film - Play CD's - Shredding
Equipment: Epiphone Custom Guitar (Mics and pot Di Marzio - Metal Nut) - Head Wenstone MA-4140 (140 W) - 2 boxes of 1 x 10 "- 30 W Amp Ross - Guitar Processor Korg G-3 - Boss Digital Delay DD-3 - ZOOM G2 multi effects - Digital Chromatic Tuner Fender
Groups Previous: Sixth Line - Arion (Hard Rock) - Trilogy (Hard Trio Rock) - Auto Rojo (Tributo a Pappo) - Gea X (Symphonic Rock)
Influences: Ritchie Sambora - Van Halen - Malmsteen - Pappo - Ritchie Blackmore
Favorite Beverage: Beer - Fernet with glue - glue
Whisky Meals: Pasta - Roast - Pasta tastes sweet
: Football (Boca Juniors) - Motorcycles - Film - Play CD's - Shredding
Equipment: Epiphone Custom Guitar (Mics and pot Di Marzio - Metal Nut) - Head Wenstone MA-4140 (140 W) - 2 boxes of 1 x 10 "- 30 W Amp Ross - Guitar Processor Korg G-3 - Boss Digital Delay DD-3 - ZOOM G2 multi effects - Digital Chromatic Tuner Fender

Groups Previous: Sixth Street
Influences: Pink Floyd - Nightwish
favorite drinks: Beer - Fernet con cola - whiskey with cola
Likes: Football (River Plate) - Systems Engineering
Equipment: JS simil Samick Guitar - Marshall MG100 Amp - Laney 50 W - Zoom 505 Guitar Processor
Previous Groups: Paranoia, Red Rain (Heavy)
Influences: WASP, Ozzy, Judas Priest, Blind Guardian (Metal) Kiss, AC / DC, Pappo, Riff (Rock) - Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and Blackie Lawless. Beverages
Favorites: Tereré and
Mate Meals: All.
Likes: Music, Women, Work, Friends, Cars (primarily Ford), Concerts, Instruments, Travel, Out
Equipment: Washburn 4-String Bass, Bass Master 120 Combo Amplifier Wenstone 150 W, 120 real passive and active Input, pots curved line, gaves, middle, treble, line output, headphone and external box.
Previous: Sixth Line - Rey Escrofa - Tribute to
Iracundos Influences: Incubus - Gustavo Cerati - etc. Beverages
Favorites: Beer - Fernet con Coca
Meals: Likes: Movies - Play CD's - Motorcycle
Equipment: Custom-Pearl Battery Remo - Zildjian Cymbals (Hi Hat - 2 Crash - Ride - Splash )
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